Can Chiropractic Care Improve Your Computer Posture? —

Todd Bowen
5 min readOct 7, 2024


I’m always trying different ways to improve my computer posture. But chiropractic care is something I’ve been taking advantage of for many years. I started going to a chiropractor back in 2005. In my experience, chiropractic care has definitely improved my computer posture.

Can chiropractic care improve your computer posture? Photo by vectorfusionart via Megapixl.

My body gets pulled out of alignment on a daily basis. In addition to sitting at a computer for hours a day, working at my standing desk also causes computer-related pain. Sitting isn’t the only enemy when it comes to computer ergonomics. Working in the same vulnerable position for long periods of time is what causes repetitive strain and overuse injuries, regardless if we’re sitting or standing.

When my muscles get overused and tight, they pull on the tendons that attach muscle to bones. The tendons then pull the bones out of alignment. Right now, I go to my chiropractor once a week on average, regardless if I’m in pain or not. I don’t plan on going once a week forever. That’s just the amount of chiropractic treatment that’s best for me right now with my current healing practice. The longer I put off going to a chiropractor, the more I suffer from muscle tension and pain.

This article is not professional medical advice. It’s based off my personal experience and opinions. For years, my poor computer posture caused muscle tension, inflammation, and chronic pain. All the workplace ergonomic tips I write about are directly related to improving posture at a computer. We are our own primary caretakers. Do your research. Make good decisions. And be the best advocate possible for your own healthcare.

My Computer Posture Newsletter is always free. I talk about easy, actionable ways to improve computer posture. Click here to sign up.

Can Chiropractic Care Improve Your Computer Posture?

In my experience, the answer is definitely yes. Chiropractic care hasn’t only helped decrease my desk job back pain. I’ve gotten many other health benefits from going to a chiropractor. Her tech neck chiropractic solutions have decreased my neck pain and headaches. Also, the soft tissue manipulation she does has helped improve blood flow in my shoulders, arms, and legs.

I am a huge fan of chiropractic adjustments for office workers. Photo by wavebreakmediamicro via Megapixl

She even does wrist adjustments. Until recently, I didn’t even know wrist adjustments were a thing. Using a tall keyboard and mouse causes desk workers to activate wrist extension in order to lift our hands onto these non-ergonomic devices. Holding that wrist extension for long periods of time caused carpal tunnel syndrome for me.

This is why I like to use a flat, low-profile keyboard and mouse. Check out my article titled Ergonomic Devices for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to learn more. The combination of using the ergonomic devices in that article, plus the wrist adjustments from my chiropractor, have completely relieved my wrist pain from carpal tunnel syndrome.

My “3 Ways” ebook is always free. It talks about the 3 most painful computer posture mistakes I used to make. Then, it talks about how I fixed those mistakes, immediately! Click here to get it.

I’ve been going to my current chiropractor since 2008. It took some time to find one that was right for me. From 2005 to 2008, I saw 3 other chiropractors. My experience with each was decent, but they just weren’t right for me due to various reasons. I was really lucky to find my current chiropractor.

Ergonomic posture chiropractic tips

But I will say this about how I found my chiropractor. Don’t just go to any chiropractor. And don’t just settle for one because they are popular, either. Ask around about other peoples’ experiences with their chiropractor. Don’t just ask people if they like their chiropractor. Ask why they like them. And ask how they helped them specifically.

Do they do manual soft tissue work? Do they adjust arms, legs, and feet? Also, do they listen when you talk about your problems? Or do they rush out of the room after 2 minutes of only adjusting your neck and back?

Ideally, I want to be worked on by a chiropractor who is also an athlete. They don’t just align bones. They also understand the soft tissue damage I put my body through with daily exercise.

My appointments with her are only 10 minutes. But for the first 2 to 3 minutes, she throughly listens to me talk about my current pain and muscle tension. Then, I spend the rest of the appointment relaxing on the chiropractic table, focusing on my breathing. It’s actually an enjoyable healing experience that definitely improves my sitting posture.

Chiropractic care for computer users is an important variable for my muscle tension relief. Photo by jovanmandic via Megapixl.


If you’ve read this far, congratulations! You’re taking valuable steps to reduce computer-related injuries by improving your posture. That’s something to be very proud of!

If you liked this article on chiropractic treatment for desk workers, check out my free ebook titled 3 Ways to Improve Computer Posture Immediately!

>>> Click here to download your free copy

3 Ways to Improve Computer Posture Immediately! by Todd Bowen

This ebook is a great supplement to the article you just read. In this ebook, you’ll learn 3 of the most painful, poor computer posture mistakes. Then, you’ll learn how to fix those mistakes immediately with 3 simple changes to your ergonomic computer desk setup.

Go to to learn more.

Take care,

Todd Bowen

My Computer Posture Newsletter is always free. I talk about easy, actionable ways to improve computer posture. Click here to sign up.

Originally published at on August 9, 2024.

